7 Secrets to Reaching the Next Consumers


Consider the following when reaching out to iGen-ers:

Don’t underestimate.  Teens today are more like adults. They know more than you think, and they want to be respected and treated like adults in return. Whether it's a joke or cultural reference, they like it when they get it or are in on it.

Keep it short. The average attention span is down to 8 seconds.  Video attention span has significantly decreased, from 15-30 minute YouTube videos to 2-minute videos and now to 6-15 second Instagram videos.

Focus on quality. With a world of information at their fingertips, iGen-ers are selective with their purchases. They conduct extensive research (quickly) before pressing “order”.  Marketing campaigns are useless if the product doesn’t pass the quality test.

Be entertaining and humorous. Make your message interactive and visually entertaining- be clever and very funny.

Use multiple platforms.  While many iGen-ers think Facebook is not cool, the majority still have it for specific uses- group communication, group calendars, and sharing content, in particular. Combine Facebook with Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and/or Snapchat- take advantage of these new tools.  Content is cheaper to produce so it will save money!

Keep it real.  The economic recession has helped to shape the buying habits of iGen-ers.  Because they grew up during a time when the internet makes anything possible, (and for some, money was tight) they’re resourceful and entrepreneurial.  They support companies who are transparent and socially conscious.  They not only want to make a difference but they want to see companies doing so.  Show them how your company makes life better for others- this matters to iGen-ers.

Listen to them.  Stop comparing them to millenials or your generation.  Get to know them- and listen to what they have to say!