Help Your Brand Get a Jump on the Future

If you need to hear kids’ perspectives, it’s best to hear it from the horse’s mouth.  The culture of youth is constantly changing.  Language, popular shows, apps, platforms, characters, songs, and everything else in their world is different every 5 years or so.  Conducting qualitative interviews with children can yield rich, honest perspectives as well as new language, new references, and an understanding of a culture not well-known to adults. It’s also a great time to interview moms and kids when there is a need to talk to both parties.

It takes a special knowledge of kids’ development and dynamics that will influence their ability to respond honestly, in order to elicit valid learning from them.  A researcher who successfully gathers insight from children requires slightly specialized skills not always needed when interviewing adults.  Patience and total acceptance of the children exactly how and where they are is primary.  There needs to be an understanding of expectations of children at different developmental stages.  Knowledge and experience in design as well as methods and challenges will make the research truly great, learning from all the kids involved rather than just the most assertive.

Nancy Clift of Clift Research is a master of conducting research with children and has received acknowledgement from clients in many industries.   She has patience, understanding of power dynamics and other influences, as well as extensive experience on many kid brands.  And her work has encompassed all aspects of ideation, concept development, product development, communication, packaging, brand exploration, and troubleshooting.

"Nancy’s style adapted readily to a delightful set of young girls, a difficult set of young boys, and several mixed sets of mothers. We learned a great deal. Overall, I don’t know how
this could have been better done."

– Director of Technology, Fortune 500 Consumer Food Company