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Conducted all the qualitative research, and helped generate ideas, for Gogurt—at the time, an innovative new way of delivering a refrigerated snack to children.
She conducted a series of groups and one-on-one interviews with children and moms, which sometimes included in-home placement of the product for consumers to experience it prior to the group interviews.
Insights gained from these interviews led to a change in product positioning--from “fun” to “portable”—and generated the name and package design.
Fun to Portable
In one ethnographic study for a major consumer products company, Nancy took a team of clients into people’s bedroom closets to better understand the challenges they sometimes face with their wardrobe.
This research generated possible solutions that opened new opportunities for product development.
Close to the Closets
In one study, clients wanted to understand women’s weight-management feelings, thoughts, motivations at a deep level. It was fun to create a visual/verbal exercise that helped the women get to an incredibly authentic and real level.
Someone said it could not be done in focus groups, but it can! The insights helped clients fully understand their audience and were able to powerfully create a brand positioning that would truly resonate with their customer.
Getting Deep
CLIFT Research & Consultation ©2017