I recently came across this article and thought it had excellent advice for creating attention-getting slides for a presentation. I really wanted to share it with you. ~ Nancy


6 Steps to a Snazzier Title Slide by Bruce Gabrielle

I was watching a YouTube video recently on nutritional supplements (long story!) and saw the speaker had used this title slide. I immediately knew what was wrong with it and how to fix it. So as an educational opportunity, I wanted to share my step-by-step process. 


These types of title slides are common among non-professional designers:

·         Lengthy title that is center-aligned

·         Lengthy speaker biography that is crowded and hard to read

·         Clip art photo slapped artlessly on the page

·         Gradient background (or some template background) for that extra pop!

It looks amateurish, doesn’t it? And yet, it could look very professional if you know what to look for and how to fix it. Let’s go step-by-step fixing this title slide.

Learn about the 6 Steps here >>


Source: http://speakingppt.com/2015/06/15/title-sl...